About Me

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I am a sixteen year old girl with too much on my mind, so I decided to start a blog to write it all down. I intend on becoming a journalist or best-selling author one day, so why not write often to get myself going? I love to read, watch movies, listen to music, be with my friends, cuddle my dog, and just have fun. I'm here, I'm living, so let's do something with my life.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

'I suppose I am a professor now. Pretty soon I'll be going bald. '


That's it, Grade 11 is done FOREVER. I never have to deal with Grade 11 classes ever again. Except for functions in summer school, but that's another story. A sad, sad, sad story.

In other news, I AM STILL ON A SUPERHERO KICK. I saw X-Men: First Class with a bunch of my friends, including Sara, who you can find here. And may I just say:


IT WAS FREAKING AMAZING. Everything about the movie was sheer genius. The casting could not have been more perfect, and the story was easy to follow, with many parallels to already existing X-Men films. 

He is so attractive. And with the cape? Unf.
Magneto was executed flawlessly by Michael Fassbender. Even though his (oh-so-wonderful) Irish brogue slipped out a few times, the character was portrayed wonderfully. Erik's drive to wipe out humankind and put mutants on top was explored really well over the film, and the bromance was wonderful.

Speaking of bromance, Professor Charles Xavier was NOT BALD.

I don't understand the hobo gloves.
One of the biggest changes in this film, was that the classically bald Professor X (played by Sir Patrick Stewart in the other films) was given a luxurious head of hair in James Mcavoy's portrayal. Also, the hand on the face thing was pretty cool. And the bromance was truly awesome, and has probably spawned many more shippers...

Can I also say that I'm in love with this boy?

Pre-blueness though
Perfectly adorable and nerdy and awesome. It was so sad when *SPOILER ALERT* he turned blue. And when he showed himself to the team, and they accepted him and it was nice but I do miss the nerdy glasses of cuteness.

Fangirling is done for now, I suppose.

So all in all, it was an amazing movie and I would not hesitate to see it again! And again, and again, and again, and again, and uuuuuugh.

In other other news, not much is going on. SCHOOL IS OVER EXAMS ARE DONE AND I AM FREE. I am still unemployed, but whatever. I'm working on it, mostly...So until I write again my darlings, enjoy your summer!

Sunday 5 June 2011

'Parents believe that a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls. Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that. '

Allow me to recap all of the month of May, before we move onto the month of Hell, I mean June.
  • I failed my G2 licence test, because the examiner didn't like my parking
  • It rained. A lot.
  • I hurt my quad muscle, and limped around all month, much to the amusement of my friends
  • Band camp happened, but I didn't march. I just ate, a lot.
  • I applied for a lot of jobs, but none of them have responded
And that was the month of May. So far in June, I've had my hair cut!
Before: I look so weird. But you're really supposed to be looking at the length of my hair, not my ugly face.

After: Still a weird looking photo of me, but look how much shorter it is! I am liberated!

So my hair is ALL gone. I feel so light and free and it's so much fun to flip around! I'm doing hair swishes while I type. *swoosh*

In other news, my life is about to go downhill. Within the next month, I have four exams (biology, functions, English, and ancient civilisations) as well as four summative assignments, one for each class. I'm NEARLY done my ancient civ presentation, sort of, and my other assignments have yet to be started. 

Oh well.

And now, I will rant about books. My best friend loaned me her copy of American Gods by Neil Gaiman, under the condition that I don't dogear the corners of the pages. I've been true to my word, and oh my baby koalas, I am loving it so much. I'm a huge mythology buff, so I really like the mythic background that's being introduced, and the characters are so interesting, and some of the nonsense the main character, Shadow, gets into makes me quake in fear. Seriously, he's kinda screwed up.
Neil Gaiman has become my hero.

I am HIGHLY recommending this to anyone who likes any sort of mythology, particularly Norse. And on that note, may I direct you to my newest obsession?
He's the greatest dragon ever.

I finally saw How to Train Your Dragon and I LOVED IT. Toothless captured my heart with his dragon-kitty antics, and Hiccup is adorable. The animation was really well done, and all the dragons were so cool to watch in flight and just chilling with the other characters. The Monstrous Nightmare was awesome, but I really want a Night Fury. They are pretty awesome.

'For a crazy homeless guy, he's pretty cut'

THOR. MOVIE. YAY. I actually really liked this movie. A lot of people would disagree with me, but I did like the whole thing. Sure, the Earth plot had SO much more potential, and the Asgard effects were cool, but a little too modern, but it was a really cool movie. And hellooooo, the two main male characters are extremely attractive. And if you know me at all, you know I can't resist a superhero. If there were real flying superheroes, I would totally snap one up. Or y'know, kidnap a Norse god or something.

This was the cutest thing ever.

And really, how is a girl supposed to say no to that? The hand kissing, and the 'deal?' *wild kiss* 'deal.', and the adorableness, it's all too much. But so wonderful.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail functions, but who knows. I might be able to bring my mark up, which is why I'm reverting to Tree-Hermit mode, and living out the rest of my life, in a tree. So farewell until after exams and nonsense. Keep well, and don't forget to water your plants, and if you do happen to see a Norse god or a Night Fury wandering around, send them my way. Thank you, and adieu.

Saturday 7 May 2011

'If you were half as funny as you think you are, you'd be twice as funny as you are now'

If you know me at all, you'll know that I'm quite the bookworm. Or I used to be. I don't have much time for reading now, but I still love to pick up a good book when I can! So I've decided to compile a list of my favourite books and series, so that not only I can enjoy these books, but whoever is reading this can too. I'll be making this a series, so this will be the first in probably about five or so blogs. We'll see though! Right now, I'm going to talk about my newest literary love; The Mortal Instruments Series, by Cassandra Clare.

The shirtless boy wasn't the ONLY reason I chose to read this book...

I picked up this book from my school library last year, and even though there was a shirtless boy on the cover, the plot and story appealed to me quite strongly. I like fantasy books, with modern twists, as well as realistic characters, even with mystical powers. This book and its series is amazing, and I highly recommend it.

Summary of The Mortal Instruments Book One: City of Bones (from Mortal Instruments.com)
When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder — much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Clary knows she should call the police, but it's hard to explain a murder when the body disappears into thin air and the murderers are invisible to everyone but Clary. Equally startled by her ability to see them, the murderers explain themselves as Shadowhunters: a secret tribe of warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. Within twenty-four hours, Clary's mother disappears and Clary herself is almost killed by a grotesque demon. But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know.... 

My favourite characters are surprisingly not Jace and Clary, the main protagonists, but Alec Lightwood, and Simon Lewis. The two of them aren't minor characters by any standards, but they're both much more complex then Jace or Clary, emotionally at least, especially in later books. Both Alec and Simon have something they have to 'come out' about, and have to deal with regular teenage things, as well as being a Shadowhunter, and a Shadowhunter's best friend. As the books go on, Simon becomes more and more crucial to the story, and his character develops in so many different ways, not only physically, but emotionally. Alec has to deal with a very important issue that is difficult enough to deal with in 'mundane' society, but in Shadowhunter society, it is even more frowned upon. I won't say what it is for either boy, since that would spoil the books, but it's a very realistic telling for each boy.

So far in the series, out of the four books published, my favourite is City of Glass.

So much intrigue! Romance! Death!

The third book is definitely my favourite so far. I've read it so many times, and I love it so much. Magnus never fails to make me laugh, and Sebastian's strange quirks and relationship with all my favourite characters is always intriguing. I won't give away too much, but this book definitely has my heart.

The first book is set to become a movie, which is set for release in 2012. So far, the only character they've cast is Clary, the main protagonist. She's set to be played by Lily Collins, who is known for playing Collins Tuohy in the 2009 film, The Blind Side.

Personally, I don't think she looks like Clary, but I think she could do a good job.

As for the rest of the cast, I have a few people in mind...

I chose Alex Pettyfer for Jace Wayland for obvious reasons. He looks like him, and I'm sure he could pull off the charmingly roguish act that Jace has. In my dream cast, Alec would be played by Gaspard Ulliard. Whatta cutie! The smiley (sparkly) guy in the corner, Adam Lambert, would obviously be Magnus Bane, and Ben Barnes would be Sebastian Verlac. I've never actually seen Kristopher Turner in anything, but he certainly looks like Simon, and the girl next to him, Jessica Stroup looks as if she'd be a kickass Isabelle Lightwood. Gerard Butler and Daniel Craig could be interchangable as Luke Garroway and Valentine Morgenstern, since both are rugged and buff, but can be classy and indimitating, when they want to be...Gemma Arterton would be my ideal cast for the Seelie Queen. She's beautiful, ethereal and mysterious, not to mention looks like the way I pictured her in my head. Last, but not least is Isla Fisher as Jocelyn Fray. I feel like Jocelyn is still very young, and while Julianne Moore would have been another choice, I chose Isla because she is very pretty and still young enough to have had a teenaged daughter.

These books presented a very original look at some interesting themes, including religion, growing up, social acceptance, mythology, and many more. I highly recommend this series of books to anyone. Be sure to check out all four released books so far:
  • City of Bones
  • City of Ashes
  • City of Glass
  • City of Fallen Angels
Coming Soon
  • City of Lost Souls
  • City of Heavenly Fire
And that's all for now folks! Thanks for reading!